Workshop: Sustainable Geosynthetic Solutions to Transportation Geotechnical Problems


You are invited to attend the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Technical Committee on Stabilisation (TCS) Workshop. This workshop is held in conjunction with the 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics 2024.

Registrations for the workshop are now closed.

Date: 19 November 2024
Time: 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Venue: Remington Room, Sydney Masonic Centre
Capacity: 60 participants
Inclusions: Registration is $160 per person, with access to the half-day workshop including afternoon tea
Workshop Organisers and Chairs: Prof Erol Tutumluer and Amir Shahkolahi
Speakers: Jorg Klompmaker (NAUE, Germany), Michael Dobie (Tensar, Indonesia), Rajesh Bhavsar (Geofabrics Australia), Charmaine Cheah (Huesker, Australia) and Trung Ngo (UTS, Australia)

Topics to be covered:

  • Short introduction to geosynthetics applications and functions in pavements and railways
  • Sustainability and resilience in geotechnical projects
  • Pavement and railway foundations that last long
  • Effect of drainage and separation in resilience of pavements and railways foundation and structure
  • Flood and pavements/railways
  • Sustainable solution for construction over expansive soils
  • Introducing the new tool: Sustainability calculator
  • Panel discussion
1:00-1:30 Short introduction to geosynthetics applications and functions in pavements and railways Erol Tutumluer (Illinois University, USA, IGS TCS Chair)
1:30-2:00 Sustainability and resilience in geotechnical projects, how geosynthetics help with sustainability, Introducing the new tool: IGS Sustainability Calculator Amir Shahkolahi (Global Synthetics, Australia)
2:00-2:45 Pavement and railway foundations that last long Jorg Klompmaker (NAUE, Germany) &
Michael Dobie (Tensar, Indonesia)
2:45-3:00 Short break  
3:00-3:30 Effect of drainage and separation in resilience of pavements and railways foundation and structure Rajesh Bhavsar (Geofabrics Australia)
3:30-4:00 Flood and pavements/Railways Charmaine Cheah (Huesker, Australia)
4:00-4:20 Applications of geosynthetics in rail Ttack: Large-scale testing and numerical modelling Trung Ngo (UTS, Australia)
4:20-5:00 Panel discussion All speakers + Invited guest speakers

For registration enquiries, please contact register.ictg2024@arinexgroup.com. For general enquiries, please contact Amir Shahkolahi at amir@globalsynthetics.com.au.

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